Civil Celebrants
At a time when emotions are heightened due to the loss of a loved one and when words don’t seem enough to express the feelings inside, it can be helpful to turn to someone who can naturally empathise with you and who has a maturity of understanding.
A funeral celebrant can help portray the life and times of an individual within the context of their wishes and the wishes of the family, as well as conduct a timely event.
A celebrant is someone who can:
- Lead a fitting ceremony, at an emotional time and in unfamiliar circumstances
- Be flexible and sensitive about the form that a funeral can take
- Listen and empathise with you
- Contribute from experience to create the most suitable, dignified and respectful send off
- Create a suitable atmosphere at this formal occasion, to celebrate a person’s life.
We have listed below some of our highly recommended Civil Celebrants which may benefit you at this difficult time, Please click on the social icons to find out more information.

Craig Adamson
Craig Adamson Celebrant
We all have important occasions in our lifes: Births and child namings, Wedding blessings, Renewal of marrige vows and a loved ones passing. These are the times we mark with hope, love and sadness. They are all important life changing occasions that should be as special, as meaningful and as dignified as they can be. I will help you as you arrange these important times by getting to know your individual needs and wishes, By listening to you and your loved ones. Contact 07752548774

Neil Dorward
Bespoke Civil Ceremonies
Neil has a background in Church Ministry he works holistically and inclusively providing Funeral Ceremonies for people of all faiths and of none. His background in Management, Training and Professional Speaking ensures that your Funeral Ceremony is beautifully crafted and delivered, reflecting your wishes. During the last 15 years, we have established a first class reputation for delivering passionate funeral ceremonies. We can be contacted by telephone on 07752212067

Graham Primrose
Special and Precious Memories
Special and Precious Memories provide you with a compassionate heart felt service for your loved ones final journey. Dealing with you at a time when your emotions are making you unsure of what to say and how to get through everything, spending time with you and the family to get you all through this as easily as I can. I have been where you are right now so I know how you will all feel at this time. If you need anything else or this isn’t what it is you want give me a call on 07920445669

Cally & Wullie
Silver Threads
Hello, I am Cally from Silver Threads, We are a family run business. Silver Threads Soul Doulas, are servants for your soul. We are there to hold you, support you, through every lesson of the soul birth, death, marriage and everything in between. We are the invisible Silver Thread when you need one. Cally promises she will get back to you the same day as your initially contact her. She will then arrange a family interview at a time that is convenient for you.

Cherished Souls
Hello, I am Lynsey from Cherished Souls. I am a fully qualified Usui Reiki practicioner, Angelic Reiki practitioner , Intuitive Healer, Soul Midwife ( hollistic medicine for end of life care ), Funeral Celebrant , Spiritual life coach and Silent Counsellor and with the bereavement items Cherished offers also incorporated into local funeral parlours and florists here in kirkcaldy I offer an after care service for bereaved families.

Jem Mathewson
Jem Together
Hello, I am Jem from Jem Together. I will deliver a service that will comfort and uplift, Holding dear your loved ones story. My aim is to do the best I can for families and their loved ones simply by listening, caring, & sharing together. Certificate in funeral celebrancy gained by legacy training. Please contact Jem directly on 07895 513512 for more information.

Kevin Thompson
Ceremonies You Want
Hello, I am Kevin a Burntisland based independent celebrant who offers a funeral service designed specifically for your loved ones and according to their or your own wishes and values. He will spend time with you discussing your exact needs, Offering ideas and suggestions if required but at all times complying with your wishes. Music , Poetry, Hymns - All these can be included, Or for a special service why not have kevin sing live and deliver an appropriate song in memeory of your loved one. Contact Kevin on 07971503943 / 01592874471.

Gwen Walker
A Cherished Memory
Hello, I am Gwen, As an independent celebrant, I am dedicated and very passionate about creating and delivering a tribute that Celebrates your loved ones life. I will meet with you the family whenever you feel most comfortable and together we will create a tribute and cherished memories. I will also supply your choice of music, poems or readings, as well as giving you full control over your service content. Contact Gwen on 07909966587.

David Young
Committed to Excellence
Hello, I am David the Kingdom of Fife’s Independent Funeral Celebrant. In 2022 I trained with the Academy of Professional Celebrants and this enabled me to officiate at funeral services, confident that I have the skills and knowledge to facilitate a funeral service in a professional manner. In my time I have attended a lot of funerals mainly family and friends and also Veterans as I am also a proud Veteran. As an Independent Celebrant I focus on the celebration of life of the individual. I achieve this by meeting and talking to the family and friends of the person who has passed, and by listening to the life stories, be them happy, sad or funny. We will talk about the music, perhaps a favourite hymn or prayer, or not, I will always respect the faith of your loved one. I will work with you to create a loving, individual and memorable service ensuring we tell the story of your loved one ensuring that they leave this universe with dignity and respect. “Memories Last Forever” My Mantra as an Independent Funeral Celebrant is: “I am committed to Excellence” Please contact me to discuss your requirements: T: 07708 216014